Writing a Plugin
You can easily create your own plugins to implement new features or extend the behaviour.
Define Plugin
Use the defineArtboardPlugin
method to define your plugin. If requires a single argument which is a function that should return the plugin.
The returned plugin should implement a destroy()
method which is called when the plugin is destroyed.
You may define the type for the plugin options as a generic argument. The options are wrapped in a helper instance and can be accessed using options.get()
This example plugin displays the current scale of the artboard as a human readable zoom percentage level in a div. The zoom level is displayed in the provided HTML element.
import { defineArtboardPlugin, inlineStyleOverrider } from 'artboard-deluxe'
export const zoomOverlay = defineArtboardPlugin<{
element: HTMLElement
fontSize?: number
}>(function (artboard, options) {
// Get a required option. This will throw an error if the option is not defined.
const element = options.getRequired('element')
// Allow overriding element styles and restore them when the plugin is destroyed.
const styles = inlineStyleOverrider(element)
// Override some styles on the element.
position: 'absolute',
top: 0,
left: 0,
transformOrigin: '0 0',
pointerEvents: 'none',
background: 'white',
color: 'black',
paddingLeft: 10,
paddingRight: 10,
paddingTop: 6,
paddingBottom: 6,
let prevZoom = 0
return {
// Restore the original styles that may have been overriden.
destroy() {
// Method called in a requestAnimationFrame callback.
loop(ctx) {
if (!ctx.artboardSize) {
styles.set('fontSize', options.get('fontSize', 20))
const x = Math.max(Math.round(ctx.offset.x), 0)
const y = Math.max(Math.round(ctx.offset.y), 0)
styles.setTransform(x, y)
const zoom = Math.round(ctx.scale * 100)
// Prevent updating DOM when there was no change.
if (prevZoom === zoom) {
element.innerHTML = `${zoom}%`
prevZoom = zoom
You can then import the plugin and use it like this:
import { createArtboard } from 'artboard-deluxe'
import { zoomOverlay } from './zoomOverlay'
const zoomElement = document.getElementById('zoom-overlay')
const artboard = createArtboard(document.body, [
zoomOverlay({ element: zoomElement }),
Plugin methods
Your plugin may return the following methods:
Called in a requestAnimationFrame callback. The method receives a single argument ctx
that contains the state of the artboard at the time of the animation frame.
Called when the plugin is destroyed. Allows you to remove event listeners or clean up the DOM.
Called when the size of an element is changed according to ResizeObserver
. To observe an element's size, you can do:
And in your onSizeChange method:
function onSizeChange(entry: ResizeObserverEntry) {
if (entry.target !== element) {
// Do something.