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Use a DOM element as the artboard.


The artboard element must be a stacking child of the root element:

<div id="rootElement">
  <div id="artboard">Hello World!</div>
import { createArtboard, dom } from 'artboard-deluxe'

const artboard = createArtboard(document.getElementById('root'), [
    element: document.getElementById('artboard'),


See all options


The element that represents the artboard.


When enabled the initial offset and scale is calculated based on the current position of the artboard on the screen. You may use any CSS to position the artboard initially however you like:

<div id="rootElement">
  <div id="artboard">Hello World!</div>

  #artboard {
    position: absolute;
    top: 50px;
    left: 50%;
    transform: translateX(-50%);

Here the artboard is centered horizontally in its container. Upon initialisation the plugin measures the position of the element relative to its root element and calculates an absolute translate3d() and scale() value that matches the position.


How precise the applied translate3d() values should be. A value of 1 means the values are always rounded to a full integer (e.g. 123). A value of 0.1 rounds to e.g. 123.3 and a value of 10 rounds to 120.


When set the value for scale() is calculated to match the precision. For example, if your artboard's width is 1000px and the current scale is 0.5006 it would result in a rendered (visible) width of 500.6px. When enabling this option, the plugin will calculate a scale value that results in a width that matches the configured precision. In this case it would round the scale to 0.501 so that the rendered width is 501px.


The plugin adds inline styles to the artboard element upon initialisation. You can enable this option to remove these styles when the plugin or the artboard instance is destroyed. This also restores any styles prior initialisation:

<div id="rootElement">
  <div id="artboard" style="transform: translateX(calc(100vw - 500px))">
    Hello World!

  import { createArtboard, dom } from 'artboard-deluxe'

  const artboard = createArtboard(document.getElementById('root'), [
      element: document.getElementById('artboard'),
      restoreStyles: true,

Once the plugin or artboard instance is destroyed the custom styles applied are restored.