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artboard-deluxe / ArtboardScrollIntoViewOptions


ArtboardScrollIntoViewOptions: AnimationOptions & object

Options for scrolling an area of the artboard into view.

Type declaration


optional axis: "x" | "y" | "both"

Which axis to scroll.


optional behavior: "smooth" | "instant" | "auto"

The scroll behaviour.

  • Smooth: Always animates the transition.
  • Instant: Directly apply the transform and scale.
  • Auto: Uses smooth, but switches to instant if an animation is currently running.


optional scale: "none" | "full" | "blocking"

Define whether the artboard should be scaled.

  • None: Keeps the current artboard scale.
  • Full: Scales the artboard so that the target element fully covers the available space.
  • Blocking: Scales the artboard so that the target element covers the non-blocking area.

Defined in
