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Allows scrolling and zooming using a mouse wheel or trackpad.


No additional markup or CSS is needed.

import { createArtboard, wheel, raf } from 'artboard-deluxe'

const artboard = createArtboard(document.getElementById('root'), [



Scrolling is applied in all directions on every wheel event. If the Shift key is held, the deltaY value of the wheel event is applied on the x axis, to allow horizontal scrolling using a vertical scroll wheel.


When the Ctrl or Meta key is held, the wheel event will trigger zooming. When using an Apple device with a touchpad, the pinch gesture will also trigger zoom. This is happening automatically, since Apple sets e.ctrlKey to true in this case.


See all options


A multiplicator for determining the final scroll speed. A value of 1 results in the same scroll behaviour as if the artboard where scrolled natively by the browser.

  // Increase scroll speed when the artboard is very large and it's
  // desireable to quickly scroll around the artboard.
  scrollSpeed: 1.3,


When set, the wheel event listener added to document will intercept all wheel events and prevent any scrolling from occuring. In particular, it prevents the default zoom beaviour of the browser while holding the Ctrl key.

If you only have a single artboard instance on your page, you can set this to true for the best experience.

If you have multiple artboard instances, you should set this to false. In this case only wheel events originating from the root element are used. Wheel events emitted on other elements will trigger default browser behaviour.

  interceptWheel: true,


Adjust how much the artboard should be zoomed. The default value is 1. Increase the value if your artboard is large and having quick zooming is desireable.

  wheelZoomFactor: 1.3,


By default the scroll behaviour using the wheel is close to native browser scrolling.

By setting this option to true, you can enable momentum scrolling (aka "smooth scrolling").

  useMomentumScroll: true,

Note about Apple Devices

Due to issues (see here and here) with how different browser and operating systems emit wheel events the plugin will currently disable momentum scrolling when the user agent indicates an Apple device. This is because Apple devices, when using the trackpad or "Magic Mouse", will already emit wheel events that simulate "momentum". In this case, if the plugin were to apply momentum scrolling again, the result is an extremely janky experience.

It's tricky to detect whether the user is actually scrolling or if the OS is emitting "momentum wheel events". However it's certainly possible and planned for the future.

The overscroll effect is still being applied when this option is set to true.


By default the artboard is zoomed instantly when using the wheel. By setting this to true you can enable momentum zooming, where each wheel event "pushes" the scale into the given direction.

  useMomentumZoom: true,

Event Listeners

The plugin registers two wheel event listeners. The first one is added to the root element and it handles both scrolling and zooming. The second one is added to document. By default, it will not do anything. If interceptWheel is set to true, it will always prevent default behaviour and stop further event propagation. This is so that there is no way for the user to trigger native browser zooming using the scroll wheel.

This also means that it's not possible to scroll anything in the entire document when interceptWheel is true. However, you may still manually add a wheel event listener to elements that should remain scrollable:

const scrollContainer = document.querySelector('.my-scroll-container')
scrollContainer.addEventListener('wheel', function (e) {
  if (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) {
    // Return here so that the event is handled by the wheel plugin.

  // Stop the event from bubbling up to the event listener of the plugin.
  // That way the element can be scrolled.

Multiple artboard instances

When using multiple artboard instances on the same page, you can't set interceptWheel on all of them because it would result in all artboards scrolling or zooming simultaneously. You have two options to fix this:

Make one artboard the "main" one

By setting interceptWheel: true on only one artboard you can promote one artboard instance to be the "main" one that will scroll or zoom by default.

Don't use interceptWheel

In this scenario no scrolling or zooming on any artboard will occur unless the mouse pointer is inside the root element.

To prevent the default zooming behaviour of the browser you can manually prevent it like this:

document.addEventListener('wheel', function (e) {
  if (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) {

Nested artboards

If you want to implement nested artboards, set interceptWheel on the root artboard.